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Múltikúlti - Language Centre has offered language courses, Icelandic and other languages, since 2009. We are close to midtown Reykjavik, but students can also choose to be online. We offer Icelandic language courses on six levels in moderate sized groups from 8 o´clock in the mornings to ten in the evening. We have experienced teachers that teach in Icelandic, English, Ukrainian, Polish Spanish, Croatian, Serbian, and Russian.
Prices: Icelandic Courses: 52.000 kr. (40 hours, 60 class hours) 10% discount for exchange students and Au-pairs with Icelandic social security numbers (kennitala).
Other Courses: 38.000 kr. (15 hours)
Members of Labor Unions can apply for refund of up to 90% of their course fees in their Labor Union. Multikulti is a recognized Educational Institution in adult education by the Ministry of Education.
Office hours are 12:00 to 16:00, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu. and Fri.
Quality Policy
The purpose of Múltíkúltí's internal quality system is to make sure that the school's activities are in accordance with laws and standards of The Directorate of Education, as well as to ensure that the quality of the education is both maintained and regularly updated. The quality system is based on regular meetings of the school staff. These meetings are, on the one hand, frequent meetings of the school's board (principal, chairman of the board and quality manager) in order to review all the issues that need to be examined at any given time, but also meetings with all the school's teachers twice a year to review curriculum, various improvements on teaching methods and whatever the teachers want to convey regarding the school activities. At these meetings, the school's goals are examined and whether they have been achieved, what can be improved and how those improvements are best made. When examining whether the school's goals have been achieved, data is obtained from students' responses to quality surveys, statistics on student dropouts from the school, along with comments and wishes from students and teachers about the program, the school or anything related to the school. Múltíkúltí's quality manager then prepares a self assessment and quality report once a year, which is based on the aforementioned meetings and can be found below on the page.
More information about the Múltíkúltí quality framework can be found here:
Stjórn skólans:

Kjartan Jónsson

Sólveig Jónasdóttir

Óskar Kjartansson
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